Sunday, December 14, 2008

Learn from the Past, Imagine the Future

To summarize the experiences from this class, I found a very appropriate website to help further my knowledge about web 2.0 tools. Judy Brown's website, Learn from the Past, Imagine the Future summarizes tools that we've used in class, but also tools that will be useful as we are ready to begin new thrills with technology once we've mastered what we've learned thus far. She not only categorizes the tools but gives a brief description about how they pretain to education in the classroom. One of the tools that I found to be very interesting is the online gradebook that is free! In my school we are not required to have the grade online and because of this do not have a system for keeping grades. That is definately something I will be looking into further. I encourage you to check out her site at and see what useful information you can take from it! Enjoy :)

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