Saturday, November 29, 2008

Inclusion Week

The first week of December is coming to be known as "Inclusion Week" for schools all across America. The article that I read this week can be found at It was an informational article describing the positive aspects of having an week dedicated to this topic in your schools. I know in my school district we have done a couple different things to celebrate this week. Last year, we have a day called "mix-it-up" where older students sat with younger students at lunch. That way they could meet new friends and share their lunch time together. This year we are having a school wide-friendship week. Each student received a booklet and inside the booklet are "good deeds" the students can do to earn letters that spell out our school. We also watched school wide video that depicted "bullying" scenes and how to handle different scenerios. They video really set the tone for the project the students are working on over the next week.


Miss Caleffe said...

Wow Erin, I don't know what rock I have been living under but I have never heard of this! My school does nothing to celebrate this and this could be something really cool! We have the IU's Autistic Program in our building and we could really celebrate this. I don't know if we'll have time to do something with it this year, but it's great to know for the years to come!

Allen said...

Erin, I wanted to comment on your social bookmarking. I saw a link on there that was great. It had learning games for children. Being in the computer field and having children in elementary ed, what are some other sites like this?